Physio Office takes the hassle out of clinic operation and office management, allowing your focus to move from office administration to patient care.

Physio Office combines comprehensive clinical management and full accounting and administration facilities that seamlessly integrate into your business operations. In fact you can easily operate your whole practice without paper work. Treatment notes and assessments through to GST returns and accounts are all handled.

Physio Office contains advanced features not available with other packages. Whether your business is large or small, Physio Office has a range of modular features that give you the flexibility to add the facilities you need as your business grows.

But that's not to say that a larger practice has to have all the bells and whistles to operate. With just the basic core components you can manage an unlimited number of patients and treatments, treat and charge for services provided by an unlimited number of staff, of any provider type, from an unlimited number of clinic locations - all at no extra cost to you! And of course Physio Office is capable of being operated by multiple staff from multiple locations simultaneously.

  • Core Components

    • Clinical — easily manage and maintain patient treatment regimes, notes and assessments. This includes all clinical information, reports and statistics as well as the invoicing (printed or electronic) that results from treatment entry.
    • Names and Addresses — a common repository for all your patient, supplier and staff details allowing email and SMS messages to be sent to anyone.
    • Messaging — automatic management of the SMS text and email messages you send. Physio Office easily creates appointment reminders, doctor messages, ACC32 applications, marketing letters etc.
  • Standard Options

    • Diary — combines task list management with organising patient and class session appointments – in fact it can be your work-centre providing quick access to everything you need to do. Tasks such as patient follow-ups are automatically created. You can easily send Txt or email appointment and class reminders and keep track of patients that do not attend and those that cancel.
    • Debtors — keep track of everyone that owes money to your practice.
    • Receipt/Bank Summary — record money received and generate banking deposit summaries.
  • Management Tools

    • Cashbook — efficiently monitors your cash flow, reconciles your bank statements, till and EFTPos balances and much more.
    • GST — automatically collates GST data from all parts of the programme making GST Returns a snap.
    • Payroll — collects and processes sales and payment details so you can easily produce employee/contractor payment advices and IRD reports. Electronically send your bank Payment Details and IRD Monthly Employer Schedules. Never touch a PAYE table again.

Diary Organise your appointments & task reminders

With the Physio Office Diary you can not only make and view treatment and class session appointments but also review and manage tasks. Task reminders can automatically be generated for things such as patient follow-ups that are due, overdue items on loan and employee contracts that are about to expire.

Use the Diary to not only book patients for treatment or class sessions and send out reminders but to manage those waiting for an appointment or to monitor DNAs and cancellations. In a multi-user environment it automatically notifies the physio when their next appointment has arrived. And with treatment and session entry only one click away it becomes the gateway to all your business operations.

Check out the video demonstration of the Diary in action. The Physio Office Diary will help you to work smarter.

Cashbook Comprehensive cash management

Physio Office Cashbook provides a solid foundation from which to manage all your financial needs. The Cashbook provides you with accurate, up-to-date financial records so you can easily manage cash flow and make informed business decisions. It will allow you to enter payments, receipts and bank transfers, set budgets and make comparisons with actual expenditure. Use the Bank Reconciliation function to reconcile any number of bank accounts by simply matching your computer bank statements with those from your bank account. Save time and accountancy fees by exporting a complete set of business accounts directly to your accountant.

Clinical All clinical aspects of your practice

Physio Office Clinical features take care of all your clinical management tasks. Overheads are reduced by quick and easy information collection, right there in the treatment cubical. Treatment notes, detailed assessments that allow you to ‘paint’ patient symptoms on anatomical diagrams and outcome measures are included.

ACC45s and claim sending is fully electronic as is the processing of ACC remittance advices (payments).

Avoid costly mistakes through accurate, automatic checking of ACC and accounting rules as you work. Detailed reports on practice performance, patient details and outstanding claims, as well as a range of statistical information – all with a click of the mouse button!

Together, the Clinical features eliminate delays, errors and, better still, no paperwork!

Debtors Full control of debts and credits

With Physio Office Debtors you will know who your key debtors are, how much each one owes you and when payment is due. Comprehensive reporting will enable you to have greater control over your debtors by highlighting outstanding amounts and debtors who have exceeded their credit limit. You can enquire on debtor information, send prompt statements, produce debtor lists or print sales and financial reports – all of which will help improve your cash flow and profitability.

GST Automatically collate your GST Returns

The Physio Office GST feature automatically administers the GST aspects of all your financial transactions. GST is calculated as you go. Completed GST 101 Tax Returns can be produced any time with a click of the mouse. No mess, no hassle!

Names and Addresses Centralised name & address management

This feature provides a global store for all the names, addresses, phone numbers, contacts etc. that your practice uses. Update it once and Physio Office instantly applies the change throughout the system. Now you can handle your invoicing, payments, patients and mail merge anything from address labels to multi-page newsletters, either printed or emailed directly, with a single application. A great tool for producing and sending marketing material.

Payroll Integrated processing from treatment to IRD

Physio Office Payroll collects performance-based pay details and automates manual time sheet entry. It will allow you to quickly process pays, producing all contractor, employee, shareholder and IRD information for you. It can print or email Payment Advices and electronically send bulk Payment Details to your bank and Monthly Employer Schedules to IRD. Payroll calculates this information automatically, so you never have to touch a PAYE table again.

Receipt/Bank Summary Collect payments & generate deposit summaries

This feature centralises the collection of payment details for the complete Physio Office package, allowing the quick printing of receipts when payments are received. You can also save time by printing banking deposit summaries instead of writing all cheque details on the backs of bank deposit slips.